Friday, May 18, 2007

Gone. (Like yesterday is gone, like history is gone, just try to prove me wrong, and pretend like ur immortal!)

Hey ya all, welcome to Life of the Teen Drama Queen! I am Catie Rowlands, your host for today, and I hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly! As I write this, we are getting ready to leave for a father daughter retreat, and I will be gone till Sunday. So if I am not commenting on any simply splendiferous posts of yours, do not be dismayed, and think I am not interested. Just gone, that's all. Last year, it rained half the time, and we even had some thunder and lightning! Oh, and if you haven't read Michelle's blog recently, we just started taking horseback riding lessons. I didn't really enjoy our first lesson, cause I was on the verge of starvation, but I cant wait for the next one. So that’s pretty much all that’s going on in my life, so ta ta for now, and see you all sometime or another!
~Drama Queen.

P.S. In case you didn't know, the title comes from a song.


Imperator said...

Have fun!

Hol said...

Have fun! My blogs will miss your comments until Sunday ;).

pink princess said...

wish i was going. hope you all have fun!!

Debater said...

Neat. Did you watch Alexanddria Nogi's Thematc? Just Curious.

Imperial said...

Have fun at the Retreat!

Stephanie said...

What a fun time - a weekend away!!!! Hope you have a great time and no rain :):):)