Once again, I apologize to my readers for my delay in posts. I know you all have been anxiously waiting the next day in Utah, but a more urgent post awaits your eyes. What is it??? Read on to find out!
Yesterday, I got back from a really fun camping trip in Yosemite. It was my last junior high trip I will ever have, because this was the eighth grade final hurrah!! Now, the drive up normally takes about four or five hours. However, this trip happened to take place on Memorial Day weekend, and we were on the road for EIGHT HOURS!!! Fortunately, the only people in the car I rode in were Atalie, Emma, Claire, and Mr. Bailey. Compare this to the other car with... never mind. Most of you wouldn't understand what a big mistake it is to travel with the people in that van. It makes me shiver just to think about it! Anyways, we did get there eventually, and the background was amazing!! Yosemite is probably one of the most beautiful places on earth. Now, I could bore you all with a bunch off little details, but I won't, because the second half of this post is going to be dedicated to one thing in particular.
I will give you a hint or two. Think about the most disgusting thing you ever ate, and then multiply that by five. Now imagine the worst name ever given to a "Food" product. OK, now picture in you mind a flat pinky object looking like a cross between a piece of salmon, and a cow pie. If you still don't know what it is, just peek up at my title, and you should know by now. That's right, it is S.P.A.M. Not Spam, S.P.A.M. Want to know why I spell it that way? It cause it is not a name, it is four letters describing it, and they just so happen to spell something. Slimy, Putrid, Awful Mush! And THAT is how the name spam came about. Most people don't know this fact, mostly because I made it up... but it needs to be made known!! So by now, you may be wondering how I got from camping to spam. It’s really quite simple. Spam was brought along on the trip as a food source, and people actually ate it!!! I can not believe why anyone would want to put something so revolting into ones mouth. you ask my friend Holly how she feels about spam, I am pretty sure the answer would end up much like this post. Some may think, "Aw, its not that bad!" But may I remind you, that when you get a weird message in comments, what is it called? SPAM!!! That’s right, they needed a name for junky messages, and spam fit the bill! So now all of my reader know more about how I feel about spam then they will ever wish to know. I call that a job well done!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Posted by
Drama Queen
3:38 PM
Adoring Fans
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Oooo... The Suspense! Did I get the Job???
Ha ha, I love this picture!! I think my cousins baseball team was the dogers, so after the season was over, his family burned the hat!!! Ahhh... wish I could have been there. Back to the real post!
Well hello everyone, and welcome back to LIFE OF THE TEEN DRAMA QUEEN! There isn't really much to write about... oh yes, I do have one thing. You may remember back in April when I applied for a job at Oak Park. If you do not remember, then you obviously are not being faithful in reading my blog, and should be punished severely! Jk... So they finally got back to me, after I called twice and showed up to question when I could hear back........ I didn't get the job. BUT, that is only because they already had everyone they needed for that year, and the lady told me that I should try again next year, and I looked promising. So please, no comments saying, "Oh I am sooooo sorry, you must feel awful!" Cause I do NOT feel awful! I am perfectly fine with my current situation, so no sympathy cards!! (which reminds me, Michelle was going to give my debate partner Tim a sympathy card for having to put up with me at tournaments!! she never did though ;D) So I guess that’s just about it for now... stay tuned for more Utah journaling soon to follow!
Posted by
Drama Queen
1:19 PM
Adoring Fans
Friday, May 18, 2007
Gone. (Like yesterday is gone, like history is gone, just try to prove me wrong, and pretend like ur immortal!)
Hey ya all, welcome to Life of the Teen Drama Queen! I am Catie Rowlands, your host for today, and I hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly! As I write this, we are getting ready to leave for a father daughter retreat, and I will be gone till Sunday. So if I am not commenting on any simply splendiferous posts of yours, do not be dismayed, and think I am not interested. Just gone, that's all. Last year, it rained half the time, and we even had some thunder and lightning! Oh, and if you haven't read Michelle's blog recently, we just started taking horseback riding lessons. I didn't really enjoy our first lesson, cause I was on the verge of starvation, but I cant wait for the next one. So that’s pretty much all that’s going on in my life, so ta ta for now, and see you all sometime or another!
~Drama Queen.
P.S. In case you didn't know, the title comes from a song.
Posted by
Drama Queen
2:19 PM
Adoring Fans
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Day Five at Utah
This dog is our host familys dog.
Ok everyone; sorry about the delay... here is what you all have been waiting for.
I woke up early, and couldn’t get back to sleep! We couldn’t find the leftover cinnamon rolls, so cereal for breakfast again. Last night, Michelle got to ride her host family’s horse bareback! She has a great family, as do we. Today, we passed out doorknob signs instead of flyers. It was FREEZING today!! And when I say freezing, I mean freezing! It SNOWED on us twice! Just tiny little flakes and they melted really fast, but still! Snow I tell you, SNOW!!! (The previous was unedited from my journal; to show you how furious I was with the weather) I have a nice warm fluffy jacket back at the house...sigh. Some people wore flip-flops... poor them! Nothing much happened the first two rounds. We stopped at a gas station for a loo break. I got a French vanilla cappuccino, and it was warm and wonderful. So we got round 3-4 done, and piled into a car. We had so many people, that some were hanging on the sides. Except for the cold blasting wind, it looked fun. I lost count of how many rounds we have done. We are going to lunch now, thank goodness! I am SO getting something warm. It was an awesome Mexican restraunt. We got to choose what went on our meals. It started to snow while we were eating. It was more like balls then flakes, so I called them snow dots. They were really cool. Once again, another long noisy car ride coming up. We stopped at a giant hunting store, and I got some cool stuff. Rachel got a giant stuffed fish, it was funny! Next we went to a place called thanksgiving point. I milked a fake cow! But water came out instead of milk thank goodness! Elise Michelle and I split an ice-cream Sunday. It was pretty tasty. A funny thing to eat on a cold semi-snowy day. Our ride to our next destination was very long and boring, as well as loud and annoying. We went to a collage coffee shop. They had two cute dogs. After a quick tour, we sang and had a little Bible study. The topic was people who did great things for God, I think... after that, we bought drinks, talked and played X-box 360. Elise was terrible at the games. I did ok, not to good, not to bad. So now we are back in the car. You probably could guess by now, but we have a van full of caffeinated hyper juinor highers. As it is 9:48 at night, this can bring no good. Sigh... sometimes I wonder if it is physically possible for some of them to be semi-quiet for five minutes! They probably even talk in their sleep! Can’t wait for tomorrow, I will be SURE to bring my big coat.
Posted by
Drama Queen
5:06 PM
Adoring Fans
Friday, May 11, 2007
Coming Soon!
DAY FIVE AT UTAH: Stay tuned for more exciting Morman filled Utah style fun, soon to air here on Life of the Teen Drama Queen.
Curtosy of yours truly, Drama Queen.
Posted by
Drama Queen
5:20 PM
Adoring Fans
Monday, May 07, 2007
Last night started out as any ordinary night, except for two things... my window was open, and my dog was under my covers. Interesting... anyway, in the middle of the night, I was awakened to hear Beamer barking and growling on my bed. I did all I could to shoosh him, worrying that he might awaken the rest of the household. Normally, when Beamer begins barking randomly in the night, he will give up suddenly, and nose his way back under my covers, plop down on my feet and give them a good washing. (My feet, not the covers) But this time, he did not calm down and insisted on growling every five seconds, despite my well aimed whacks on his rear. After this had gone for a while, I heard Michelle's door beads jingle, meaning that someone was either leaving, or entering her room. At first, I was relived, thinking that Beamer was growling at Michelle, and she had probably just gone to the bathroom, and after she was back in bed, Beamer would calm down. At the same instant however, I also could not help but picture a knife wielding man leaving her room after finishing the job, and was coming for me next. Obviously I was not thinking clearly, being the middle of the night. So with this in mind, I was really quite relived when Michelle thrust her head in my room and loudly whispered, "We are being T.Pd!!!" I jumped out of bed, grabbed Beamer and hurried to my parent’s room, where Michelle was informing them of the news. I was also praising Beamer for his warning, even though I hadn't believed him. My dad was getting out of bed, and Michelle told him to get his new automatic airsoft gun. To my relief, he obeyed. We crept downstairs and peeked out our front door window. Sure enough, our front yard was sparsely littered with toilet paper, and there, working on our car, was a tall girl. My dad burst open the door, and fired a few rounds into the air, while shouting something, though I am not sure what. The girl began to run, and I followed, at the advice of Michelle to get the license plate number. I repeated the number out loud a few time to remember, while the girl hopped into her car and speeded off. As I hurried back to the house, I immediately forgot the number, as Michelle called out to me that there was another girl hiding behind the car. And there she was, with a hood held tightly around her head, preventing me from identifying the culprit. I called out to my family that, "Some person" was back here, and she began to run. I followed, but not to get the license number. I was curious as to the identity of the scoundrel. As she struggled to unlock her car, I managed to pull off her hood enough to tell that she was our neighbor and friend, Bethany Benson. BUSTED!!!!! Whoo ya, we caught her and her little friend whom I do not know red handed! Turns out, all the seniors were T.Ping all the juniors, which in this case, would be my brother who slept through the whole thing. So I returned once again to our home, and cleaned up a bit. Fortunately, our culprits were amateurs, and used extra strength T.P, which is very easy to clean up. So next time anyone decides to T.P. the Rowlands house, keep in mind a few tips.
1. Never come on a warm night, windows WILL be open.
2. Michelle does not sleep well on warm nights. (She didn't discover the crime because of Beamer, she heard people outside!)
3. We have an alert little dog, which will spend almost every night snuggled down by my feet, and he likes to bark at intruders.
4. Don’t use thick toilet paper, that stuff is SOOOOO easy to clean up, use the thin stuff.
5. We WILL find you, whoever you are, and we WILL seek revenge!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!
Posted by
Drama Queen
3:50 PM
Adoring Fans
Friday, May 04, 2007
How Many Times do I HAVE to go Over This???
Picture above has nothing to do with the post, I just thought it was cute.
Hello everybody, I am back! I hope no one got to wondering where on earth is Catie Rowlands, and why hasn't she posted, but I have a worthy excuse for my absence. Since Thursday, and up till Wednesday at noon, I have been gone at a speech tournament, I came home Saturday night, and then the next day at one I left for a debate tournament. The results of my tournaments will be posted in a later post. After all this, I was utterly exhausted, up to the point I was unable to post till today.
There you have it, a 100% fully legitimate excuse for my absence. However, it is not I, but YOU who should be giving the excuses. Yes indeed ladies and gentlemen, there is a serious problem here on Life of the Teen Drama Queen!! What is it? YOU’RE LACK OF COMMENTS!!!!! Come ON peoples, we have been through this before! Do you realize that in my last FIVE posts, three out of those five have TWO COMMENTS!!!!! And the others have five...and three. Something is wrong here, dreadfully wrong, and I expect full explanations for each and every one of you out there who have neglected their duties as commentators. You may be saying, "But you have not commented on MY blog," But I have an excuse, you do not. Ok, sorry about the obvious fury, I will try to control myself. With that being said, I will be obliged to discontinue my Utah series until further notice.
One more thing before I am done, my linking thing-a-ma-jigger is going bonkers on me, so if your blog has not been linked, and you are a regular commenter, I apologize.
Posted by
Drama Queen
10:46 AM
Adoring Fans