Monday, October 22, 2007

Beware, The Monoblog!

For some of my adoring fans, the following post will make no sense whatsoever. But for others, you will know exactly what I am talking about.

When I go onto the computer, there is little I enjoy more than new emails, and new posts. Unfortunately, there are some of you who think it is fun to create a new blog, post once, and then completely abandon it. Imagine the tragic feeling in my heart when I click on a blog link in hopeful expectations, but then realize that the post in front of my eyes is the same I saw three months ago. I am not saying any names, but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Those of you who have blogs with many posts, but don't post very much anymore, you are free from my criticism. See all you Touché people on Wednesday!


Stephanie said...

I know what you mean - and I love new e-mails, posts and comments -

Imperator said...

I update my blogs!

Drama Queen said...

ya know, if i wasnt so amazingly humble, i would be really offended that no one cares about my blog anymore!

Peter Brown said...

I like the word Monoblog. Well said.