Last night I had an awesome time up in Ukiah. Our high school went up to this guys house that makes a big maze out of different stuff each year. And it isn't just some ordinary maze; it has tunnels, slides, secret doors, stairs, a rope swing and more! A ton of youth groups came out for this, and we had an absolutely amazing time. After we finished the maze (my group was one of the first ones out!) we listened to a guy preach for a little while, then did the maze again! This time it was much easier, but it was still fun. We left at about 11. Erin McAllister, a girl named Karen, and Cassie (Our pastor’s wife) were all really thirsty, so we stopped at Cassie's parent’s house in Ukiah for something to drink. Her mom was awake, and we got sparkling cider and pumpkin pie. Not bad! We ate and drank for a while, then left. By this time, our car was way behind everyone else, but we didn't worry too much. As we were going along on the highway, suddenly Cassie stops and pulls over. I then realized that there was a cop right behind us with flashing lights! Uh oh.... we were in trouble! Apparently, she was going 80 with a 60 speed limit, and one of her headlights was out. We already knew about the headlight, but Cassie was surprised at the speed, because it was set to a certain thing. She thinks her speedometer is off or something. Fortunately, he let us off with a warning. So we finally got home at one in the morning. I should have slept soundly, but I didn’t. Instead, I was up almost all night battling a stuffy nose and a sore throat. This morning, I slept in instead of going to church, and I basically feel awful right now. So I probably will not be at Journey tonight. Hopefully I will feel better soon!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Where is She?
Ok, so last night, I let Lucy out to play on my floor while I got ready for bed. I usually just let her run around with my door closed while I brush my teeth and wash my face and stuff. When I went into my room, she didn't run over to sniff my feet, like she normally does. I closed the door and sat down, calling her name. No Lucy. A little concerned, I checked behind my drawers in my dresser. She got back there once and got stuck, so I figured she was just waiting for her mommy to rescue her. She wasn't there. Beginning to panic, I called her name over and over again, while looking everywhere! This actually wasn't very easy, because my room is a mess. But normally, she will come running over to me if I call her. I wondered if a cat had gotten into my room and... But of course not. I had already looked everywhere, and there was no cat. I called my mom, dad and Michelle and told them I couldn't find Lucy. My dad said she could have crawled under the door. This really scared me, because with two cats, a dog and a big house, a rat could be anywhere! We began a rat hunt, looking all over the house calling her name. My mom rounded up Beamer and stuck him in Johnny's room. Apparently, he was concerned about her disappearance. Yay, he does care! After several minutes of searching and calling, I grabbed a flashlight and shined it under my dresser, just in case I had missed something. Suddenly, Michelle who was on her stomach searching screeched out that she saw Lucy! All that time she had been hiding behind some stuff under my dresser! I still wasn't done worrying, though. She NEVER just hides from me; she loves to be with people. And when we tried to bring her out from hiding, she would just scoot back under. At last, my mom managed to bring her out, and we put her in her cage. She had a sort of wild look in her eyes, and sort of darted around the cage nervously. We are pretty sure something scared her really bad for her to be acting this way. This morning, I held her for a bit, and she seemed fine except for some reddish goop coming from her nose. This is a bad sign for rats, and I am really worried about her. Please keep my adorable little rat in your prayers!
Posted by
Drama Queen
9:40 AM
Adoring Fans
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Left and Right
Well, no one seems to be checking my blog (yet again!) so I am at a loss as to what I should write about. Sooo... here is a little thing I wrote last year for my journal writing.
It is odd, when you think of having a right hand, and a left hand. Why is it that one is better then the other? Why are some right handed, and some left handed? I have puzzled over this for many a day, trying to unlock the mystery of the right/left hand. I know part of it has to do with your brain, but why does your brain do that? It really is hard for me to figure it out. Plus, some people are both right handed, and left handed!!! I suppose that would have its disadvantages as well as its advantages. For example, what if you broke your wrist. You wouldn’t have the wonderful excuse that you couldn’t write anything because you hand was broken! Also, you might be put in a freak show were people could make fun of you for being able to write your name with both hands! This most likely wouldn’t happen, and people probably wouldn’t call you a freak for having two right hands, but it could happen. I am trying to get my left hand as strong as my right. If I succeed, I shall have the advantages of both the right/left hand people, and the people who have two right hands. I believe that people with right hands are smarter, because it is the RIGHT hand to have! I wonder why people say right and wrong, when is should be right and left. Oh well, not all right handed people are as smart as I am. Someday, when I have equally strong hands, I might rule the world, but I know a kid who already wants to do that, and I must say, listening to him list off the way he will execute his different enemies does cause one to look toward world peace and freely elected democracies with a kinder thought. Oh well, if in about ten years the world is owned by a man named Jonah, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Posted by
Drama Queen
9:26 PM
Adoring Fans
Monday, October 22, 2007
Beware, The Monoblog!
For some of my adoring fans, the following post will make no sense whatsoever. But for others, you will know exactly what I am talking about.
When I go onto the computer, there is little I enjoy more than new emails, and new posts. Unfortunately, there are some of you who think it is fun to create a new blog, post once, and then completely abandon it. Imagine the tragic feeling in my heart when I click on a blog link in hopeful expectations, but then realize that the post in front of my eyes is the same I saw three months ago. I am not saying any names, but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Those of you who have blogs with many posts, but don't post very much anymore, you are free from my criticism. See all you Touché people on Wednesday!
Posted by
Drama Queen
7:12 PM
Adoring Fans
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh dear...
For everyone that saw the singing penguin here on Life of the Teen Drama Queen, that was Michelle. Yes, my little sister put up a ridiculous post on my blog without my permission, damaging my reputation and possibly putting my blog in jeopardy. It was not me, it was Michelle.
Posted by
Drama Queen
8:34 AM
Adoring Fans
Friday, October 12, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Lucy Again!
Sorry I have not been posting for a few weeks. No one was commenting, so I figured no one cared about my blog anymore. (Jk) Actually, I got kinda busy, and got grounded from the computer for a week, and just wasn't very inspired. But now I am inspired!
I suppose you all are wondering how my rat Lucy is doing. She is absolutely wonderful, and we have been having lots of fun. But I got worried that she didn't have enough to do in her cage. This led me to the decision to surf the web and find ideas for rat toys. I came across this AWESOME website that has tons of ideas for rats. The link is at the bottom for all you rat lovers. (That means you Holly!) One of the ideas they had was a rat piñata. No, you don't fill a cardboard box full of rats and whack it senseless; it is merely a piece of paper towel filled with Cheerios or other small treats tied up in the cage. The trick to keeping the rat occupied is making the piñata with a few layers of paper, so the rat won't chew through to quick. Soon, I had a cute little bundle of Cheerios hanging in Lucy's cage. She was instantly interested, but I had to go upstairs for a minute, so I didn't get to see what she did next. When I came back down, my cousin (who was staying at our house) told me that instead of tearing through three layers of paper towel, Lucy simply snipped the string holding it, and brought it into her little house to demolish the piñata there. This led me to the conclusion that..................... Rats are smart!!!
Posted by
Drama Queen
7:27 PM
Adoring Fans