Thursday, November 29, 2007

Look at the yites!

In case anyone is wondering about my awful spelling in the title, when I was very little I called Christmas light, "Yites!"

Well, however ridiculously early it may be, we put up our Christmas lights today. And when I say we, I mean I. Johnny came out to help me, but in the end, all he did was jump off the roof onto the trampoline and take random pictures of himself. I am still not done, as there are more lights to be put up, but I got most of it done. It looks very nice. There is one slight problem however. Despite the fact that I tested each strand before putting them up, one strand won't light up. I might be able to fix it with my dads help, but then again, I might not. Once all the lights are put up, I will probably put up a picture. Merry Christmas everyone!


Sarah Kuhner said...

Good for you for getting those lights up. Doesn't it feel so good when you see everything all lit up and beautiful. We put up our lights ( pictures on the blog) the day after thanksgiving and I love seeing them.

Hol said...

Lol, we got half our lights up a couple days ago :P

And one of my first sentences was "ook, ites!" =D woah!

Drama Queen said...

once again, my blog(s) is/are ignored.

Imperator said...

Poor you, putting them up by yourself! Thaty wouldn't be fun...

Drama Queen said...

i actually enjoyed putting them morning there was ice one inch thick in the gutter!