Saturday, October 07, 2006

At last, a blog of my own! to anyone out there who might possibly ever read this, please do not expect me to be dishing out a new post every day! I am not THAT dedicated! I do hope that I can at least manage once a week. Just this past Thursday I got braces. To all you past/present/future metal mouths, I can now sympathise with you fully. IT AINT FUN!!!!!! so far, I only have the little metal nightmares on my lower teeth, which may not seem so bad, But I also have a anoying little thing stuck to the roof of my mouth called the penguin. It's like talking with a hard pice of candy stuck to your mouth, and for all you who know me, enuciating is somthing I struggle with. NOW ITS EVEN HARDER!!!!!!!! WHY DOES IT ALL HAPPEN TO ME!? WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!! Not forgetting that pieces of food constently get stuck in the little wires sticking out of it. As bad as it all may seem, my nutty little sister WANTS braces! as I said, shes a nut. TTFN!!!


Stephanie said...

Yea - you have a blog!!!!!!!!!! Yes, braces are not fun - I have been there! The picture is great and I look forward to many more posts from the Drama Queen! I am working on my verses :):):)

jenylu said...

Yup, she's a nut alright. But a loveable nut. Hope you're teeth are feeling better very soon--I still think that penguin is better than headgear!! :-)

The two love birds .. said...


Kool Blog with some good writing. Hey, Catie, now with those cute braces, you have to eat all the soft things like: "ICE CREAM" doughnuts, "ICE CREAM" doughnuts.... Well you get the idea. We will check out your busy life in the BLOG. LOVE YOU.

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Braces aren't too bad. Just hope you don't have 5 different rubber bands in your mouth at once. It ruins your jaws...I found out the hard way!