Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I sewed my finger!

Well, thank you all for your ideas for my blog. For this post, I shall go along with my mother’s idea about.....


Last night, I was sewing a skirt for one of my smaller dolls. (Yes I sew, and I still LOVE dolls) all was going as well as could be hoped for, until after one stitch, I noticed that in trying to pull the thread, it tugged slightly on one finger. After further examination, I realized I had passed the needle through a tiny bit of skin on the side of one finger. (There was no pain at all.) After showing my mom and dad how cool it was, I tried to pull the thread up and out of my skin. But the needle was in a little deeper than I realized, and it took a tiny bit of effort, but in the end I succeeded!

There, now you know about my sewing of my finger. Tomorrow Michelle and I are going to the Whitley’s, our best friends who live in Hollister. (The town Hollister, not the store.) I promised months ago about doing a post on them, and I will SOON! So stay put and come back in about a week or so, and hopefully I will have a new post up!

And one last question: Who is Lightsider???


Rebel Trooper said...

Well thats cool!!!! I think I have done that before...back when i was like 9

I was both lightsider and darksider...

Stephanie said...

That is an amazing story - would have been interesting to see! Glad you are ok though :) So are you up for making a few more dish cloths?

Drama Queen said...

Aha!!! I knew it!! (in response to the lightsider thing-a-ma-jig.) I could make some more dishcloths!

atalie said...

oooo thats cool! i use to do that just 4 fun with safety pins. i'd cone up to gideon (who was really little) and say 'i can do a magic trick. look the safety pin is stuck to my finger' and he was amazed(later on he figured it out).
hope u have fun in hollister.

Imperator said...

I told you that Timothy was lightsider on my blog already, but you probably missed that. Hope you have fun in Hollister

pink princess said...

so how was ur trip?

atalie said...

is that where u were this morning? bye the waaayyyy... i think i might of told u this before, but u would be a really cute cheerleader.

Hol said...

Ok *phew* I just posted a new post on GAG. I just realized it's been 2 months since our last post hehe.
Sorry for keeping you waiting :D

micheller said...

im right with you atalie! i used to put pins in my finger also!!

jenylu said...

Time to post again already -- where's those posts you've been working on?