Sunday, December 30, 2007


WE LEAVE FOR POINT LOMA IN JUST TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished my last expos board saturday, and I still don't have my speech completly memorized!!!!!!!! I hope everyone else is more ready than I am. See many of you all down there!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

This year for a change, we actually got up early (7:21 to be exact) at the urging of my brother to open presents. What isn't a change is that my dad hopped into the shower BEFORE we opened presents. It never fails. We wake up, open our stockings, and then have to wait half an hour for my dad to get downstairs.

Another change this year, Michelle and I both feel Rotten. (With a capital R) She got sick two days ago, and I got sick yesterday morning. Ughhh...

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What is Wrong With Me This Year?

Well folks, this is it! Just a mere five days before Christmas. It really snuck up on me this year. Normally by this time, I am begging my mom every few minutes to let me open just ONE present early. Maybe the fact that no presents are under the tree yet has taken some of the wind out of my post-Christmas excitement, but who knows? If you have read Michelle's post, then you are probably aware that Michelle and I often manage to discover one or two of our gifts each year. But this year, I am sadly lacking. To my understanding, Michelle knows of at least three or four of her gifts, but I am in the dark on every single one of mine. Sad, isn't it? A few years ago, I stumbled upon one hidden in the trailer, and another one that was mentioned in my moms email. The year or so before that, Michelle unwrapped one of her presents, and since I was getting the same thing (just different color) I knew what mine was. But this year I am yet to discover a single one....oh wait, I lied. My grandma sent me and Michelle home with our Christmas present last week after baking cookies, and she could see through the wrapping paper. As it turns out, Michelle, Johnny and I will be receiving a children's rhyme book about the history of evolution. Ohhhh dear. Well, thats all for now!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Lights!

Here is the house! Didn't I do a nice job? :P

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ready to laugh?

Teehee, this is a video my mom took last year of Beamer getting his toenails clipped. Enjoy!
No Toy Fox Terriers were harmed in the making of this video

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Please Sign!

Attention bloggers! This is a petition to force fellow bloggers who have been not posting to post! Names of the offending blogs are as follows:

The Emperor

The Princess of Everything Pink

The Banjo Master

The Black Sun Criminal Syndicate

I am sure that there are many more blogs that are in need of an update, but these are the few chosen. If you are willing, then please sign this petition in the comment box. Remember, the fate of the blogosphere rests in your comments.