Thursday, December 20, 2007

What is Wrong With Me This Year?

Well folks, this is it! Just a mere five days before Christmas. It really snuck up on me this year. Normally by this time, I am begging my mom every few minutes to let me open just ONE present early. Maybe the fact that no presents are under the tree yet has taken some of the wind out of my post-Christmas excitement, but who knows? If you have read Michelle's post, then you are probably aware that Michelle and I often manage to discover one or two of our gifts each year. But this year, I am sadly lacking. To my understanding, Michelle knows of at least three or four of her gifts, but I am in the dark on every single one of mine. Sad, isn't it? A few years ago, I stumbled upon one hidden in the trailer, and another one that was mentioned in my moms email. The year or so before that, Michelle unwrapped one of her presents, and since I was getting the same thing (just different color) I knew what mine was. But this year I am yet to discover a single one....oh wait, I lied. My grandma sent me and Michelle home with our Christmas present last week after baking cookies, and she could see through the wrapping paper. As it turns out, Michelle, Johnny and I will be receiving a children's rhyme book about the history of evolution. Ohhhh dear. Well, thats all for now!


Grenadier said...

History of evolution?

the theory of evolution kinda sounds like a something a crazy guy would say. You know, like " See, waht happened was, there was a big explosion and all the rocks formed and made our planted. And some rocks turned into fish who eventually turned into frogs,that turned into monkeys, then turned into us. "

Imperator said...

Wait, your grandmother is a Evolustionest?
In a way it's good not to find out though, I was Vastly dissapointed last year. I found most my presents in a online Reciept.

Drama Queen said...

well, she kinda belives in diff. things, and evoulution is sorta one of them. u all could be praying for her.

Hol said...

I was very devious this year and crafted all my gifts so that the recipients would never figure out what they were until Christmas >=D

Stephanie said...

Merry Christmas Catie!!!!!!!!

jenylu said...

So glad to hear you have a surprise or two this year!! :)
That Michelle...