Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My busy Month!

This is a picture of my great grandma Della when she was much younger. Yesterday was her one year anniversary. On July third, she would have been 97 years old. If you never got to meet her, then you missed out. She taught me so many things, including how to make the best apple pie ever, from scratch. Happy re-birthday Grandma!!!!!

now on to the rest of the post

Good heavens, July 11 already??!?!? My how time flies. Before you know it, summer is over and we will be doing school again!!!!!!!! Anywhoo today I will be going on a short little camping trip with my high school group. It was SUPPOSED to be a houseboat trip, which I was very much looking forward to, but not enough people signed up, so it got reduced to a two day river thing-a-ma-jigger. I think it will be fun. Before I sign off, I just HAVE to share with you all how busy my July has been. July 1-6, we were up at HeartStone family camp. (more to come later) then the next day, my mom realized all our fair entries had to be turned in that evening, we had a busy day finishing projects, yet still managed to go see pirates 3! (Which though wasn't amazing, was better then the second one, but I didn't like the ending.) Then on Monday, I went to a practice for VBS skits, and discovered I have to have about three out of five days’ skit scripts memorized hopefully by Friday, which is the day after I come back from camping. Then I have a rehearsal, and the next week is VBS in which I am yet again, COMPLETELY busy. (Ok, this is cool. I am in the skits for VBS this year, and in the first one, I fall down a water slide backwards!!!) Oh and one more thing, I have a new blog. To access it, simply click on my profile and it should be there on my blog list. If you somehow do not see it, then you must simply assume it was not meant to be, and continue on with life.


Imperator said...

Or you can access her new blog as a link on mine. I am the same way this month and most of the summer.
I'm sure you great grandma della was A GREAT person. Unfourtenetly I never knew any of my Great grandparents.

Grenadier said...

Almost the same thing happenned with our fair entires too. We forgot about it until the day before.

POTC 3 was good. But i agree about the ending

Hol said...

I remember your Grandma back when I went to your house for duo practice. I never really got to meet her though :(. She's purdy in the pic.

POTC 3 was great, not as good as 1. I know exactly how I want my wedding now though, haha. =D

Hol said...

Make sure to check out the special announcement at Oyi and Clari =P

The two love birds .. said...

Thanks for remembering my dear mom for all of us...

micheller said...

Grandma sure was beautiful, i wish she was still here.

POTC3, was good. It cleared some questions but then created more questions in the end.

pink princess said...

u hav had a busy month

atalie said...

hey catie i made a new blog but so far i don't really have much on it...