once again, the picture has nothing to do with the blog. i wanted u all to see our cute little pup.
After a short break in the blogershpere, I am back in the business. I suppose many of you are wondering about how our snow trip went. To cover the basics, no broken bones, temperatures very high, severe sunburns on arms and faces, snow very slushy, run away snowboards, and a narrow experience with the ski lift! After reading the above, you may be DIEING to know what happened with all that. I might be evil, and not tell you. Or, I might be nice, and describe my most memorable moment to you all………………….. ok, since you all have been SO good about commenting, then I shall tell you all about my harrowing experience with the lift. This was the second day, and us snowboarders were getting pretty good. Well, kinda good. Anyways, our moms suggested to come on the lift that leads to a bunch of intermediate and difficult runs. We agreed. Since the lift was a little bigger on this side, my mom said we should all three go together, instead of two on one, and one on the other. We decided that we would try it. I volunteered to be in the middle and we started down the line. As the chair was coming around and we were about to sit down, Michelle and Kayla, who were on each side of me, both sat down inward, leaving me nowhere to sit. If fell over, and since the lift did NOT stop, I twisted around and managed to grab the chair as it continued to move. I held on as it went higher, and higher, and finally they stopped it. By that time, my feet were dangling about four or five feet off the ground. In this tense situation, my mind was focused on two things only. 1: HOLD ON!!! DON’T LET GO!!!!! 2: this is really funny, I think im gonna laugh. I vaguely remember Kayla bursting into laughter and at the same time grabbing on to my hand and screaming that she would pull me up. I also saw some people running out after the lift stopped. One managed to grab my very high waist and scream for me to let go. I didn't hear this command for a little while. Partly because of my zoning brain, partly because of Kayla’s incessant laughter. I finally let go, and they helped me to an empty chair, and the lift finally started again. Some very important lessons were learned from that experience.
1: never have three beginner snowboarders on a small chair at the same time.
2: if the chair does not stop, don’t grab on to the chair.
3: beware of lift operators in conversation. (I mean, they should have stopped the lift as soon as I fell down!!!)
And so, you now know my most memorable and perhaps most embarrassing experience on that trip. Oh yeah, on our last run of the day, as Kayla and I were getting on that same lift, the lady operating it told me with a big smile on her face to not fall off. J That’s all folks!!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
once again, this post is about snowboarding...
Posted by
Drama Queen
1:19 PM
Adoring Fans
Sunday, March 11, 2007
To Link or Not to Link...that is the Question
At last, I have finally figured out how to link! Actually, my mom kinda showed me how, but still! From now on, you shall always see those cool little blog names instead of some weird stuff that was on previously. You may notice I changed Johnny’s blog name a little, but surely you agree it was for the better. I mean, am I the kind of person who would lie about a name? NO, I am not. Some of you may also be wondering why your blog is not listed with the others. Here is why. YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN IGNORING MY FABULOUS POSTS!!!!! Here I have to newish posts, and the only ones to comment have been Michelle, my mom, Megan, and Stephanie!!!! Come on people, what is so hard about writing a short encouraging message to myself? And so, in light of this, my rules for linking go as follows:
Family members in my immediate family automatically get a link, despite how often they comment. In a prolonged absence of commenting however, I may be compelled to alter the name slightly.
Outsiders only get the COVETED privilege of having a link on my blog, if they average at LEAST a comment on every other post that I post, for about six posts. In the absence of comments for more than three posts after receiving a link, I may be compelled to alter the name slightly.
Lastly, if I happen to be a frequent reader of a blog, and LOVE it to death, I might, as a figure of my gratitude, link that blog. None of the commenting rules from above would apply, but if the blog started going down the tubes, I may be compelled to alter the name slightly.
I hope that now that you all are aware of my linking/commenting issues, my average comment number will increase. As I write this, my average comment per post is six. With your corporation, I hope to raise this average in the next, say two months to eight over a one week span after each post. Don’t make me come commenting on my own posts just to raise the average, I need help. And your the one to help. Plus, u get a link to boot! TTFN!!!!!
Posted by
Drama Queen
8:39 PM
Adoring Fans
Friday, March 09, 2007
what i do when i am bored.
note to my readers. the picture to the right has nothing to do with my post. i was just bored, and thought the picture livened things up a bit.
Today is a boring day. Thus, I have nothing to say. Hey, I made a rhyme! Kool. I know that’s not how you spell cool, but its Kool to spell Kool that way. Well now, where was I? oh yes, I am bored today. Why? BECAUSE I AM EXCITED SILLY OVER GOING SNOWBOARDING NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!! Just to let you all know, our family RARELY gets out to the snow more than once a year. And to let you all know again, this will be our THIRD time!! WAHOO!!! THIRD I TELL YOU!! The first time, I just went skiing. The second time, I learned how to snowboard. (See previous post below, way below) and THIS time, Michelle, my mom, and Mrs Benson and Kayla Benson will all be heading out to the snow on Wednesday! We will go night skiing on Wednesday, and day skiing the next day. We will be spending the night at my aunt and uncles house, cause they live real close to where we are going. There, I let it all out. Now do you all know why I am bored around her? If not… THEN GET A LIFE. Jk, obviously you already have a life, or else you wouldn’t be reading this blog. For one thing, without a life, you kinda have to be dead. And another, only people with REAL lives would read my blog. So don’t get a life, just reread the above, and by now, you should understand why I am so bored. Yeah… so, Oh yea, Michelle will be teaching Kayla how to snowboard. That should be interesting, since this will be our second time ever… oh well, pray for no broken bones. Knowing us, I think we will NEED those prayers. Well, what else do I say? I have told you all you could ever want or need to know, and yet I must continue to write. WHAT CAN I SAY? WHAT CAN I DO? WHAT CAN YOU READ THAT IS SO INTERESTING THAT YOU JUMP IN THE AIR AND REDEDICATE YOUR LIFE TO COMMENTING ON MY BLOG?!?!?!? Ok, I feel better know. Sometimes, it is good to just let it all out. Oh man, I feel sooooooo good now. I guess I have nothing more to say, so… ta ta for now!
Posted by
Drama Queen
9:13 AM
Adoring Fans